Tuesday, September 6, 2011


When Monday happens on Tuesday, you know it can't be good...
We'll learn to rise above such things.  Eventually.

I was thrown off as the dance of keeping up with three different little schedules interacted with very minor technical difficulties and three little people who had a looong day yesterday.  As I've said before, it's ok.  We're "ahead"  I just want to stay that way.

Persephone declared (while studying cultures in social studies) that she wants to do more pagan stufftm along with school.  Sweet.  We have a little calendar section of the morning work to get warmed up for the day.  Excellent time to talk a little about phases of the moon and the Celtic wheel of the year

Poor Mr. Havoc is quite adamant that he is an athiest, but I told him he can reflect on the wonder of having plenty of food and toys and a safe neighborhood.  If not blessings, these are the product of good luck and hard work and we can look to keep that going.

They have a little homework today, reading the chapter on Mabon in Circle Round by Starhawk. 

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