Thursday, August 2, 2012

School 2012-13

Well, be year has officially started.
Kids are grumpy that they have school duties when their comrades are free.
Kids are not thinking that we will be on the road when their friends will be trapped in a school room.
I am filled with dread

Last year was filled with struggling to get used to cyber school.
This year that will be old hat.
Last year, school took over the dining room.
This year the bookcase and supply cabinet are the only unavoidable evidence of hard work to be done.
Last year we could barely finish a day of material in two days.
This year, a day seems like a cakewalk.

Last year my business was a dream.
This year, Mom's working to meet schedules and deadlines along with everybody else.

Last year trips to the library, sports, museums, outings with other home schoolers and foreign language were things we wishes we had.
This year they will be weekly occurrences.

Last year the kids weren't online.
This year we all have blogs.

just keepin' it real
