Monday, August 22, 2011

We Did It!

One full school day performed as scheduled!
This doesn't sound as exciting as all that, but it really is a first for us. All subjects covered in a day? Yeah, we really have lacked that.
To the right are my stealth homeschool room decorations. Just a little schedule so the kids can see what's coming and our calendar and weather chart. Not a big deal. They worked very well.
We still have lots of things to work out. Hawthorne aparently is DONE with school at 2 pm. No more of this following directions or using his brain. Certainly he either needs a substantial break or to start earlier. I only hope we can find a solution that doesn't stretch our day out into late afternoon. We all have lives!

Today's schedule went smoothly, I got up, lesson planned, hit the gym and everybody was just getting up and finishing breakfast.
Cross my fingers that we can do it all again tomorrow

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