Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 1

I'm scrambling to get my planning done. I still don't know what each kid needs for each day and with three different curricula I've got to do the work times three!

As long as I can accept that today is not going to be a "regular day" but more of an exploration of the materials and classes.

So, for now, I need to plan an hour before school to get our materials ready. Hopefully as the process streamlines, I can get more help from the kids on this.

Havoc's working on his pre-class behavioral expectations lesson-no plagiarism, be nice on the message boards, read lessons carefully and answer to the best of your ability...
Persephone's listening to her first arts lesson and eager to get working on serious school.
Hawthorne's working through online spelling and math videos. Hopefully we won't get into trouble with him doing this out of order.

And I'm madly looking through all the books to plan day 1! yikes.

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